Bulk Add Tasks to Checklist Templates

To add multiple tasks at once when setting up a checklist template, paste or type in a list of tasks in the Bulk Add Tasks box, then click [Add Tasks] to add the tasks to the template.

How to Bulk Add Tasks

To bulk add tasks to a checklist template:

  1. Go to Admin / Settings by clicking your name in the upper right corner, then [Admin / Settings].
  2. Click [Checklists] from the left hand menu.
  3. Click [Add Template]. To edit an existing template, click the [Gear] next to the desired template and select Edit Template.
  4. Enter or update the main checklist information, as desired (Learn how here →)
  5. Click [Bulk Add Tasks].
  6. In the Bulk Add Tasks field, paste or type in a list of tasks, one task per line.
  7. Click [Add Tasks] to add the tasks to the template above.
  8. Click [Save Template].