Track Received Emails

Easily keep track of transactions that have received emails during your desired time period by adding a custom shortcut to your Transactions page and Home page.

Search for Transactions that Received Emails

To search for transactions that received emails in your desired time period:

  1. Go to the [Transactions] page.
  2. Click [Options] to expand the Advanced Search area.
  3. Click Search by Date Range, select [Choose a Date Type → ], then Email Received.
  4. Choose your desired day, week, month or year range or select [Custom] and enter a custom date range.
  5. Click [Search Transactions]. Transactions that received an email in your desired date range will be displayed in the resulting list.

Add a Shortcut for Transactions that Received Emails

To get quick access to transactions that have received emails in a certain time period, you can create a shortcut that will appear on your Transactions page and Home page.

To add a shortcut to transactions that have received emails:

  1. Run the received emails search described in the previous section.
  2. When your search results appear, click [Add Shortcut] near the top of the page
  3. Choose an icon to represent your Search and/or Sort and name your custom shortcut.
  4. Click [Save Search].
  5. Your custom shortcut will appear on the left menu in the My Shortcuts section on both the Transactions page and the Home page.