To search a transaction's activity history:
- Go to a transaction.
- Click [Transaction History] from the left menu.
- Set your desired search options and complete your search:

• Search for specific text by typing it into the Search field.

To search by the specific Action Type(s), select the Type dropdown menu, then select the Action Type(s).

• Docs includes any activity related to documents, including when they were uploaded, assigned, broken apart, emailed, commented on, etc.
• Notes includes any activity related to Notes and Emails.
• Checklists includes any activity related to checklists and tasks, including adding, updating, removing, and checking off tasks.
• Transactions includes any activity related to updates made to transaction fields as well as any changes made to Contacts.
To search by User, select the User dropdown menu, then select a User. Only users who have made updates on the transaction will be available to select.

Date Range
To search by a specific Date Range, select the Start Date and End Date for your desired time period.