Listing Inventory Report

The Listing Inventory Report allows you to closely monitor the health of your business and track market changes by reporting your listing side inventory for a specified period. The report includes the number of listings, list price volume, and average list price.

Generate a Listing Inventory Report

To generate a Listing Inventory report:

  1. Click Reports from the top menu.
  2. Click [Listing Inventory Report].
  3. Define your filters for label (if applicable) and desired periods.
  4. Click [Download Report].
  5. Locate the saved file and open the report in your spreadsheet software.

Reading the Report

To read the downloaded Listing Inventory Report:

The downloaded Listing Inventory Report will include the number of listings, list price volume, and average list price for the specified time periods, broken down by location if applicable.

  1. Open the document from the saved location on the computer.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Q: Why am I missing transactions on my Listing Inventory Report?
  • A: Only listing side transactions that contain a listing date will be included in the report. Additionally, this will include transactions in any status except for those that are in a Fell Through and Expired status category. If you feel transactions are missing from a report, verify the following details on the transaction:
    • Listing Date: Confirm the transaction has a “Listing Date” and that it falls within the selected period for the report.
    • Transaction Status: Make sure the transaction status is not in a Fell Through or Expired status category.
    • Side: Confirm the transaction has a listing agent assigned to the transaction.
    • Label: Confirm the info on the transaction matches the label you selected (if applicable).
  • Q: Why is my List Price Volume or Average List Price incorrect or missing?
  • A: Since this report is based on the values entered for the List Price of a transaction, check to make sure you have entered a List Price for each listing side transaction. If this value is missing, you'll see an asterisk and error indicating there is missing information.
  • Q: What days of the week are included in the "Current Week" report?
  • A: The Current Week report is based on a Monday through Sunday time period.
  • Q: Commission Module Customers Only: Will this report include all listing side transactions or only transactions with a CDA?
  • A: This will include all listing side transactions that have a Listing Date, regardless of whether you have generated a CDA or not.